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follow on facebook


Facebook Like與Follow有甚麼分別?

Like是表示對該品牌專頁的支持,是公開的。Follow代表他們希望在動態消息中收到專頁的近況更新,是隱藏的,也是organicreach的派發對象。Facebook官方的 ...

** 本站引用參考文章部分資訊,基於少量部分引用原則,為了避免造成過多外部連結,保留參考來源資訊而不直接連結,也請見諒 **


Follow works the same way Subscribe does. It's a way to see public updates from the people you're interested in.

Follow a profile or Page on Facebook

When you follow a profile or Page, you may see updates from that person or Page in your Feed.

What does it mean to follow a profile or Page on Facebook?

When you follow a profile or Page, you may see updates from that person or Page in your Feed. If you like a Page, you'll automatically follow it. You can learn ...

How to Create a Follow Button on Facebook

This article explains how to add a Facebook follow button to your profile to let non-friends follow your public posts.

Why Does It Say Follow Instead Of Add Friend On Facebook?

If you're seeing a Follow button instead of Add Friend, it's either because you are viewing a business page and not a profile - or because the user has set ...

Facebook Like與Follow有甚麼分別?

Like是表示對該品牌專頁的支持,是公開的。Follow代表他們希望在動態消息中收到專頁的近況更新,是隱藏的,也是organic reach 的派發對象。Facebook官方的 ...

How to Follow a Person or Page on Facebook's Website or Mobile App

Tap Follow. It's below the user's name near the top of the page. If you're trying to follow a page, you'll need to tap the three-dot menu button ...




FollowworksthesamewaySubscribedoes.It'sawaytoseepublicupdatesfromthepeopleyou'reinterestedin.,WhenyoufollowaprofileorPage,youmayseeupdatesfromthatpersonorPageinyourFeed.,WhenyoufollowaprofileorPage,youmayseeupdatesfromthatpersonorPageinyourFeed.IfyoulikeaPage,you'llautomaticallyfollowit.Youcanlearn ...,ThisarticleexplainshowtoaddaFacebookfollowbuttontoyourprofiletoletnon-friendsfollowyourpubli...